Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I've fallen into a pretty deep depression. I covered all of the reasons in the last post. Being mostly house-ridden is really getting to me.

I've been having a terrible time sleeping, which doesn't help matters.

I feel really worthless and I'm having trouble seeing the point of anything.

I don't feel comfortable starting so many sentences with "I".

But mostly this post is to tell you all that I came across an article about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyalitis that gave me a bit of hope. I mentioned before the Norway study that found improvements amongst CFS/ME patients given rituximab (one of the drugs I receive). A prominent UK researcher has given his support to the cause and he discusses a little bit of the science involved. At the end is a prompt to donate to the research efforts. If you could, know that it would mean a lot to me if donations were made on account of my story. I'm thoroughly convinced that CFS/ME is an autoimmune disorder and this research sets out to strengthen that hypothesis. If anything, it would be nice to see the disease taken more seriously. I still feel like 95% of people I know don't believe I've actually been sick all these years (aside from the cancer).

Thanks to everyone who reads these things.